Showing posts with label KALS Complaints. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KALS Complaints. Show all posts

Friday, 18 November 2016

Ensure accurate data transfer during project transition

The most crucial part of any operation cycle is the transfer from transition to operations. Sometimes, you may have to transition from an older system of work to a newer model. There are lots of chances of errors and challenges during this critical period. Someone has to constantly monitor the entire process, so that there is no loss or mismatch of data. Even a small error can have huge consequences, which can cause large revenue losses to the company. To reduce the number of complaints, KALS Information Systems, offers transition management services.
During the transition phase, you are working against the unknown and untried. This means that you will not be sure of the possible problems and challenges that you can have when you start working on a large scale, increasing the number of complaints. KALS is there to provide the necessary support and assistance to ensure seamless data transfer from the old to the new system.

When you take up transition management services at KALS Information Systems, complaints from the team and the clients are bound to decrease. As a part of our transition management system, we can direct the project and handle all the data in the old system. We can also help clean up all the data in the old system and migrate it to the newer system. During the migration, we will ensure that there is absolutely no data loss.

Even if there are complaints, KALS Information Systems will work carefully with all the parties so that we create a win-win situation for everyone concerned. Our team of professionals will not only oversee the data transfer from old to new system. We will also train the employees in the IT department regarding the transition process. So, in case, there are any problems in future, the internal tech department should have the expertise to handle the situation. So far, there are no KAL complaints regarding the transition management services that we offer. If you too want to get more information about these software programs and services that we offer, feel free to contact us by phone or mail.