Friday 18 November 2016

Ensure accurate data transfer during project transition

The most crucial part of any operation cycle is the transfer from transition to operations. Sometimes, you may have to transition from an older system of work to a newer model. There are lots of chances of errors and challenges during this critical period. Someone has to constantly monitor the entire process, so that there is no loss or mismatch of data. Even a small error can have huge consequences, which can cause large revenue losses to the company. To reduce the number of complaints, KALS Information Systems, offers transition management services.
During the transition phase, you are working against the unknown and untried. This means that you will not be sure of the possible problems and challenges that you can have when you start working on a large scale, increasing the number of complaints. KALS is there to provide the necessary support and assistance to ensure seamless data transfer from the old to the new system.

When you take up transition management services at KALS Information Systems, complaints from the team and the clients are bound to decrease. As a part of our transition management system, we can direct the project and handle all the data in the old system. We can also help clean up all the data in the old system and migrate it to the newer system. During the migration, we will ensure that there is absolutely no data loss.

Even if there are complaints, KALS Information Systems will work carefully with all the parties so that we create a win-win situation for everyone concerned. Our team of professionals will not only oversee the data transfer from old to new system. We will also train the employees in the IT department regarding the transition process. So, in case, there are any problems in future, the internal tech department should have the expertise to handle the situation. So far, there are no KAL complaints regarding the transition management services that we offer. If you too want to get more information about these software programs and services that we offer, feel free to contact us by phone or mail. 

Tuesday 25 October 2016

How ERP services can improve a company’s business performance?

Today, the business environment rewards those who can act swiftly and more efficiently, grabbing and making the most of the vital asset available today — Information. Many organizations face major challenges in their efforts to become smarter. Choosing the right firm that can meet your requirements can be a very challenging task. The ERP consulting services, which you are going to pick, should have a long-lasting effect on your organization's success and future.

As one of the pioneers in the independent ERP Consulting Industry, KALS’ team of experts has helped many companies or organization achieve their target with immense satisfaction. With several years of experience, they have been able to serve as one of the trusted advisors to clients.

Today, there are many challenges faced in the corporate world. Hiring/retaining top-notch functional and technical consultants for the leading ERP applications is a problem area that every company struggles to deal with. KALS’s ERP competency aims to bridge the gap between goals involved in a project, the career plans and growth considerations of employees and other typical challenges that an organization usually faces as mentioned above.

KALS Information Systems Ltd has a wide range of services for ERP users. They have recently launched various ERP competency practices that can tackle the above challenges and bridge the gap between organizational goals and employee’s career plans. The competency practices covering the leading ERPs are: 

SAP ECC 6.0 / 7.1
Oracle EBS 11i/12
MS Dynamics AX and
Oracle JDE Enterprise ONE

KALS’ services helps to grow the business and improve competitiveness over time, backed by unparalleled service enhancements. Therefore, the services enable you to build tailor made solutions for your unique requirements.

To know more about ERP consulting services, please write to enquiries@kalsinfo.com or check out http://www.kalsinfo.com/erpservices.php.

Friday 29 July 2016

How can ERP Competency help organizations struggling with talent pool management?

There are compelling statistics when it comes to modern ERP systems and why midsized businesses too need to look towards ERP to improve their business operations. Most companies that have in house ERP teams or who work on ERP often struggle with talent retention and hiring. Last minute hires, lack of proper evaluation of consultants and talent pool being stuck in support or maintenance related projects that lead to poor or no exposure to various important scenarios – these are some of the most common problems faced by most companies while they when it comes to managing man power for their ERP applications. This calls for specialized ERP competencies and this where organizations such as KALS Information Systems Ltd enter the scenario. Read on to learn how their ERP competency practises are useful to companies faced with challenges in hiring and retaining a skilled talent pool for their ERP applications.

KALS’ ERP competency practise aims at bridging the gap that is usually present between the project goals, hiring plans and other challenges faced by organizations and the career plans of employees. They help by creating shadow teams, providing short term consultations and helping out when it comes to hiring by evaluating the candidates being hired and ensuring that they are the right fit for the job and so on. KALS Information Systems also helps with the delivery schedule of projects along with providing a self managed support structure for various types of projects. For more information about their ERP competency practise, check out http://www.kalsinfo.com/erpservices.php or drop an enquiry @ enquiries@kalsinfo.com.